SOLO VACATION RETREAT is a combination practice of Zazen Meditation, Ayurveda Wellness and Responsible travel to nature, which is an CONSCIOUS CONNECTION WITH NATURE OF A HUMAN that itself is a SOUL HEALING MEDITATION. We The Conscious Connection Retreat make possible this VACATION JOURNEY for you as a mindful and subtle, an wonderful experience of a potential life and how worth it is of being connected with nature in every aspects of our daily life.


One need not to be a Religious, to retreat their own conscious of mind through meditation soul healing Vacation Retreat Journey, which is a gentle subtle method that requires to free one soul from going through daily anxieties, pain, stress and for not being able to forgive  own self.


Is a system of self-discovery which occurs through our communication with mind and heart. “Za” means “to sit” and “Zen” means “to meditate”. Overall, Zazen means to sit in a cross-legged position, and the whole body is straight.

Zazen mediation is a technique of discipline to gather the special mental effect with the balance of mind and heart, to realise the inner being of humanity.

However, Zazen owns its historical origin to early Indian Buddhism which was practiced and worshiped as a Buddhist religion around 1500 years ago. The practice of Zazen mediation gains you the enlightenment to awakening as your true nature of being. Perhaps, the understanding allows for deeper intimacy and compassion. It is not only a kind of meditation, infact Zazen mediation is a simple practice of time, wherein one realises the depths of its anxieties, stresses, causes for its disturbed soul.

Meditation in the form of Zazen means one travels himself to lessen the perception of pain through the understanding of the cause for it’s unhappy life. Therefore, increased in the mindful energies helps in gain back positivity and focus to accept with let go ability, that results in career, family, social and own health productivity.


People who practice “Zazen” meditation develop the ability to focus on consciousness to See, Understand, and Solve their own and others’ day-to-day misfortunes. In other words, the adaption of the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence is the only form of gain of the stable practice of “Zazen meditation” in one’s life.


Ayurveda is an ancient method of traditional medicine system. In ancient India Ayurveda was been understood and practiced as a tradition, culture and a lifestyle to embrace the values of its medicinal properties. Since Ayurveda is a beliefs system of ethics and principles, it’s teachings were been spread in favour of human health and wellbeing, and conservation of natural resources for the purpose of it’s medicinal values were been practice as system of belief.

The golden age of Indian medicine from 800 BCE until about 1000 BE, date back to the Ayurvedic traditional medicinal history, having originated in India since 3000 years ago, denotes the Epic period of Ayurvedic medicine and it’s Vedas riched in magical practice to treat human body diseases which has marked it’s importance to Indian history of medicinal system and been practiced till date throughout the Globe.


People who practice the principles of Ayurvedic system as a lifestyle, simply in the form of could be as a morning wake-up to a night sleep, method of food preparation to it’s eating habits, construction of a house to it’s home ambience, the practice of traditions and customs to its intend of existence and the violence to environment to the practice of its ethics, eventually human is been benefited to all aspects of it’s health system.


Ecotourism is a concept of mindful Vacation. A vacation that involves tourism activities or an task of walking to the untouched beauty in the Nature, such as trekking top of the mountain cliff or in the heart of the tropical forest, or to the rivers, lakes and springs to view, explore, study and experience the true essence of Nature.

Ecotourism concept Aim’s to explore the unknown phenomenon of nature that play’s it’s essential role of eco-cycle behind human existence and equally responsible for the survival of all living beings on this Earth.

Such an responsible human walk to the unknown by creating harmony with nature and it’s natural resources is the Key principles of Ecotourism which is also known as Responsible travel to Nature. And Rural communities play’s and important role in Ecotourism to practice environmental ethics in the form of belief systems which conserve and preserve and it’s resources through their lifestyle.

An Example: In Hindu culture and tradition since centuries the Baniyan tree is been worshipped during an auspicious occasion called Vata Poornima, therefore cutting of this tree is been believed inauspicious amoung the communities. As a fact, according to the Hindu mythology and ancient Vedas the auspicious occasion believe system is been practiced and spread to save the giant Baniyan tree from getting cut and destroyed by the humans. Because our ancestors were wise and knowledgeable to understand the scientific functioning of the Tree, they created this belief system to save the Baniyan tree for it’s purpose of existence, also according to ancient Ayurveda the tree is well known for it’s medicinal purpose and scientifically recognised as the most Oxygen – giving Tree on the Planet with its maximum 500 + years age survival.

Similarly, we could could found houses in the rural which are built always much more away from the Banayan Tree and Peepal Tree according to our ancient living principles. The scientific reasons for which forming and human community away from Banyan and Peepal Tree is during night the Peepal Tree emit a gas called Ozone which is known to cause harmful for human upon it’s intake, as it causes a number of respiratory problems. Additionally the Peepal Tree contains a resin in it’s leafs that can cause allergies and skin irritation.  This is the reason it took a second thought for our ancestors to create a mythological believe of an evil spirits on the tree and to be continued practicing such belief systems to stay protected and in harmony with nature.

Also the Banyan tree which is being the biggest tree on the planet and an important component of tropical ecosystems, it forms an important sources of food, fiber and shelter to humans, animals and other species, perhaps plays and important role in the living of local people. So sleeping under the Banyan tree during night or having an build up home close to the tree could harm the human health, since at night photosynthesis does not occur, oxygen is not being produced by the Banyan tree. Therefore, tree continues respiring thereby causing the amount of Carbon dioxide to be increased and the amount of Oxygen to be reduced.

Such an practice of belief systems adopted by our ancestors that intended to stop an human temptation of destroying nature for its selfish purpose is scientifically sound and ethically right action to conserve the eco- diversity for the betterment of all living beings.

key well-being practice of Ecotourism (Responsible travel to Nature)

People who travel to the Rural in the form of vacation under the concept of Ecotourism, basically the mindset of a tourist is to get closer to Nature to explore the unpolluted side of the environment. While choosing Ecotourism, one intended to be gained benefits in various forms. Such as, environment knowledge, as an adventure seeker, study tours, to have analysis and documentory on rural life, to gather peace out of busy schedule or simply a vacation that could give an earthen taste of life, to explore and experience the unknown wonders hidden in the Nature, and eventually to witness it’s people, foods, traditions, cultures, customs, art, folks, it’s rituals, beliefs and the log history behind the practice is a big mindful gain to the tourist.

In simple the term Ecotourism (Responsible travel to Nature) means an intended vacation to reform an natural balance of a harmonious health. Therefore, it could experience the presence of one’s mentally, physically, and spiritually healthy energies fulfillment. Further, the local communities getting benefitted from the gaining popularity of Ecotourism in the form of development, economy, awareness, employment, livelihood, and practiced of its authenticity is the major movite of Ecotourism concept.

Three reasons why you retreat your conscious of mind through SOLO VACATION RETREAT MEDITATION JOURNEY


  • We understand your subconscious and its willingness to remain connected to your heart, the place where you grow your love for your people and your needs. Here we retreat your balance of emotions to gain an expansion to forgive, forget and connect again.
  • When we understand the complexity of your mind, we do have a way out to retreat your nature of being to enhance your tolerance to calm your emotions with your understanding of yourself.
  • You being present in your moment you realised that you been actually lacking to be with yourself. This is the point you need to seek affection from not anyone else but your inner you which you need to understand to an extend. Hence, we retreat your consciousness to get attached to your heart and indulge to nourish your Soul to be the one who you are.



Lets valuate your Today with your Tomorrow’s Enlightened personality


• The office schedule is loaded with competitions, targets, projects, failures, successes, and of course stress.

• The sweet home has been ultimately turned up as only the shelter for bedrooms.

• The connection of time, love, care, and empathy within the family, seems to be left behind and relationships are been ended in the excitement of new connections.

• The childhood of the kids has missed the ambiance of the joint family and yes! the experience of the games and the fun played in the lap of mother nature too.


• You’ll have an improved focus for day-to-day multitasking, with a restoration of your energy and ability to plan, execute, and succeed in your life.

• Your home environment becomes the mind-healing therapy center to tackle your own and family issues, perhaps you develop your responsibility towards nature with its species who are in the surroundings of your home.

• Time is nothing but it’s just a matter of being connected with your people, Practice and a deep understanding of Zazen meditation, Ayurveda wellness, and Responsible nature travel, increases your ability to be compassionate and committed to your loved ones.

• The practice of Zazen meditation, Ayurveda wellness and Ecotourism ethics and values as a habit and culture in the family develop high moral values to impact the younger generation, which guides them to grow as calm and responsible personalities.


• The jobs and businesses that we are heading up today have been leading us to grow insensitive towards nature and humanity.

• Politics and corruption are of course the destroyer of nature and mankind.

• The younger generation is growing as insensitive against humanity and nature.

• The food we eat and the lifestyle we live make us realize that we are the killers of nature and humanity.


• You reflect yourself as a high principles personality and begin to act towards the responsibilities of mankind and nature.

• “Zazen” is the only form of meditation that rejoices your soul to heal the sickness within the body itself and direct you to grow like a clean soul to spread the wellness of nature.

• Zazen meditation, Ayurveda wellness, and Responsible travel to nature (Ecotourism) are the forms of philosophies, when it is been practiced today among the young and old generations the tomorrow of the future generation will surely be enlightened for many coming generations.

• When you practice Zazen meditation to balance your mind, Ayurveda wellness as a lifestyle, and Ecotourism as a responsible nature travel, your understanding of your ethics and beliefs grows as a healthy lifestyle that makes you a happy and peace-spreading soul.

Day-to-Day Health benefits of Zazen Meditation practice

SPRITUAL – You gain a control on your disturbed mind.

Ok! just take a pause for a minute out of busy life. Now try and reflect back on your thoughts and feelings, and now allow your conscious to get an excess to the root cause of your disturbed mind. Now let’s see the results. So now have you been able to feature out the exact cause of reason for your anxiety and stress? We are sure, you have not.

This means a human has no control over his mind. Zazen philosophy and its meditation practice is a way out to enlightenment that involves mind and body communication.

Likewise, one did not know how to face and overcome his day-to-day life’s unpleasant moments. So the knowledge and the practice of Zazen meditation allows the person to evaluate the healthy and unhealthy circumstances of life, have the understanding to fix it or let it go, approach the positivity towards life, and enhance the balance of emotions. Which results in a disciplined personality and an ability to sort and deal with multitasking of its own daily stress, anxiety, and pain.

The resulting impacts of Zazen on one’s life are the observed pleasant family environment, having a focus to deal with situations, executing career responsibilities with successful results, the personality represents as a calm and mature soul who spread inspiration to others. Ultimately a person gains the depth of spiritual control of mind, heart, and soul of understanding the good and bad, happy and unhappy, willingness and unwillingness, and excepting and letting go the feelings of the human body.

COGNITIVE – Your mind is in the state of empathize.

Have you ever noticed something? that you attending a meeting, you contributing your presence too but actually your mind is not with you because at that moment the mind is dealing with a kind of stress, some issues apart from the office, or few upcoming happy moments and so on. Or when you are with your family enjoying with your kids but your mind is not with you because the mind is still trapped to relieve your body from some fact of pain, distress, or difficulty. Yes! you have noticed it. In fact, we all notice it every next second in our busy life.

This realization concludes that the mind is not in a state of empathizing. The flow of Zazen practice enhances the ability of one’s mind to empathize with its heart and soul and remain consciously connective with the surrounding in terms of gained knowledge, and understanding through thoughts, experience, and sense.

The personality developed impact is the major benefit of Zazen meditation practice. The person who has gained this benefit has also been reflected as a person of ethics and principles, who respects the right knowledge, spreads the right belief, opens out the teachings of morality, and is compassionate towards nature and its surroundings.

As a result, Zazen meditation benefits one’s personality as a self-discovered impact. This cognitive state of mind such as thinking, understanding, learning, and remembering helps the person to consciously be present with its people and situations to lead a happy family, easy social relations, and a successful career with the psychological balance and understanding of a pleasent mind.


EMOTIONAL – You enhance your understanding of balance.

We all understand very well that when a person is emotionally attached to a person or a thing, it becomes how difficult for him to detach his emotions from that upon departing or losing it. Sometimes the consequences are so effective that the person suffers from depression, stress, loneliness, pain, and so on.

In this regard, we understand that the human body and mind are not cooperating to understand the balance of emotions between its loss and pain. The Zazen practice is a kind of meditation that neutrals the emotions and enhances the capability of the mind to flow the emotions.

A person who adopts Zazen meditation as a lifestyle discovers himself at an altered state of consciousness or performs physically strong to balance his emotions and move on. Perhaps servers as a person with the maturity to listen, care, contribute, advice, guide, and solve.

As the gain of enlightenment, one understands its own and the other mind very effortlessly which leads to better relationships with humans and our surroundings. The acquired knowledge of Zazen teachings strengthens the person mentally which results in the right decisions in one’s career, family, socially, and of course with the concern of the Earth to stop the crimes and balance the environmental phenomena.

PHYSICAL – You adopt a right food diet that results you a healthy health.

Zazen physical benefits? Why not? In fact, a healthy body is the only cause of having a relaxed healthy soul, even a child can define physically fit meaning as the right food, a positive mind, and a happy soul. The medical study has proved that Zazen meditation slows down heart rates and respiration while improving the functioning of the autonomic nervous system which results in mind stress reduction.

In fact, in our everyday life, we all go through the major internal causes of physically unhealthy bodies like stress, anxiety, depression, preconceived notions, and of course unhealthy intake of food by avoiding the traditional medicinal believes of Ayurveda to heal our body. Zazen meditation of practice is a highly effective stress-relieving technique that involves a couple of minutes of thinking, which one chooses to relax back with his own self and label the thoughts for his inner peace by balancing the understanding of Heart and Mind for healthy physical functioning of the body.

One who practices this form of thoughts evaluation meditation in a disciplined manner for a decent number of weeks effortlessly finds the gain of the physical body healed in aspects of:

1]  The body starts inhaling Oxygen more efficiently.

2] The maturity of the mind ages at a slower rate than leaves a wide range open to tolerating understanding and relief.

3] The body witnesses the blood pressure normalized.

4] The immune functioning improves due to the adoption of Ayurveda culture in the form of the food we eat, the medicinal herbs logic that we practice for our body healing both internal and external that leaves no sight effects on life.

5] The body reflects as physically fit means a boosted mood which makes a person easy to sustain in the physical environment.

SOCIAL – You expand your vision of responsibility of social wellbeing.

Let’s increase our knowledge of the Social aspects of Zazen meditation. As we are well aware that Buddhism is the founder of the practice of Zazen meditation, its study and belief were very much concerned with the creations of the social conditions favorable to the individual cultivation of Buddhist values.

The time that has elapsed today has left us the most prosperous India’s history of progressive example in the form of a study is the remarkable “Welfare State” created by the Buddhist Emperor, Ashoka the Great ( 268-232 B.C ) and spread Buddhism crossed India as a spiritual force against social injustices, against degrading superstitions rites, ceremonies, and sacrifices of human and animals followed with the non-violence policy. it did take the significate initiative of denouncing the tyranny of the caste system and advocating the equality of all men by emancipating women and giving them the right of complete-spiritual freedom.

Today in this suffocating 21st century the adoption of Zazen meditation for an individual as his lifestyle would be a benefit of the true expansion of his vision of mankind. This Philosophy of Zazen Buddhism’s belief in ethics is highly needed to redirect today’s democracy to lead a peaceful life that has been miss directed after the end of the formation of the Great Ashoka rule.

One who starts analyzing the benefits of Zazen meditation within himself, after a decent period of time practice would reflect as:

1] The wise personality as social activism to save the Earth and its creatures.

2] The person of wisdom who guides the younger generations by ethics, moral values, nature values, democracy, culture, art, and so on within its family and socially.

3] The intention for a successful career will not be the only reason to be a rich person, infect the belief would let one choose the life-changing and world-saving projects too, same needed.

4] Social relations seem to be more pleasing because of the key benefits of Zazen which relieve stress, balance emotions, and calm the mind.

HUMANITY – You develop the ability of your perception of Mankind

Exactly! Today we clearly observed that human is growing greedy day by day in all aspects of life. Every time we take a look at our surroundings, have we noticed that?  We see we are the only human who is the cause of suffering in our environment that may be the animals, birds, trees, rivers & oceans, mountains & surfaces, or the human and its menkind, man has considered always as a pain to the nature since centuries as we all know.

In the aspect of humanity, Zazen’s teachings are a simple philosophy of living a happy life. It’s belief let every creature on the earth live its life as it is meant to live by nature. The focus of interconnectedness in the universe and its emphasis on it allowing every breath to heal and survive a happy life is a basic fundamental belief of Zazen ethics.

The one as a practitioner of Zazen meditation intends to acquire the true essence of Zazen in human nature. The formal practice of Zazen grows a human to the enlightenment of the core of humanity. The practitioner starts witnessing its true inner being in the various form like:

1] The belief of “The more you give the more you get” is developed.

2] The concept of “Do no harm, live in harmony” is come ineffectiveness.

3] The principle of “Give respect and take respect” is reflected as a nature.

4] The experience of “Mysticism or nonrational” is experienced as wisdom.

5] The understanding of the true essence of around us “Inherent disposition” like Water is meant to be Wet, Fire is meant to be Heat, and Air is meant to be Blow” is a gained of awakening.